CLEANING THE HOUSE--A worker cleans one of the decorative glass skylights in the House Chamber at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus Ohio, on Friday, June 28, 1996.

STATEHOUSE REFLECTION--Chris Robinson, a member of the 338th Army Band, has the reflection of the Ohio Statehouse in the bell of his tuba, in Columbus Ohio, on Saturday, July 6, 1996. The band performed during the black tie Capital Revival Gala.

FIRST LOOK--A crowd passes through the Ohio Statehouse rotunda, in Columbus Ohio, on Sunday, July 7, 1996. The "Picnic with the Past" event was the first public event held at the renovated 1861 structure.

OGOING FOR THE RECORD--Ohio Governor George Voinovich and First Lady Janet, far right, cut a giant red ribbon to start the festivities at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus Ohio, on Sunday, July 7, 1996.
The ribbon, which was wrapped around the entire Statehouse measured 1,080 feet and will be submitted to the Guiness Books of Records.

CONDUCTING IN THE ROUND--Larry Weaver conducts the Cantari Singers in the Rotunda at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus Ohio, on Tuesday, July 9, 1996. The group performed for the last official function of the renovated Statehouse.
