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What is Photoj?

Photoj is a cyberwire service. Long, long ago--before the Internet-- only vast wire services-- with staffs numbering in the thousands-- could make photos available to editors WORLDWIDE via telephone lines. Now-- thanks to the Internet, a single individual-- JACK KUSTRON-- makes photojournalism available to editors WORLDWIDE via telephone lines AND broad band connections!

Photoj is also a way for surfers of the Internet to see a day in the life of good old, Columbus Ohio, from the eyes of a freelance photojournalist. - Some days are more exciting than others, but that's part of the challenge of going out each day, and trying to achive a level of professional, and personal satisfaction. Every day is NEW. Many times I've met people who have said "you must really love your job" - I do, and I hope that it shows in my work.

How do I find images in the Photoj archive?

Click on the Search Engine, and you can either find specific images, or check out the chronological archive that started way-back on Feburary 19, 1996.

Do you answer photography or photo-career type questions?

Yes I do, and I highly recommend visiting EDITORIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS, which has a wealth of information.

Should I "click" on Photoj's sponsors/advertisers?


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