
BASKET MANIA--Longaberger reps whoop it up during the company's 25th BEE, at Nationwide Arena, in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, July 27, 2006. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for Business First)

QUEEN BEE--Longaberger CEO Tami Longaberger is seen during the company's 25th BEE, at Nationwide Arena, in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, July 27, 2006. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for Business First)

TASTE OF SUCCESS--Scott Heimlich, owner of Barcelona and president of Dine Originals Columbus is seen at the restaurant, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2006. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for Business First)

BUSINESS IS GOOD--Jeff Brown, right, meets with crew member Kevin Brewer inside a work site, on Ashford Rd, in Dublin, Ohio, on Tuesday, May 2, 2006. Brown reports that business has been brisk this year. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for Business First)

BUSINESS PARTNERS--Edward Burke Carey is seen outside of his office, in Coiumbus, Ohio, on Thursday, Aug. 17, 2006. Carey Reality has formed a partnership with Coldwell Banker. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for Business First)