
ORDINATION OF PRIESTS - From left: Frs. David Schalk, Victor Wesolowski and Stash Dailey bow during the Processional of their Mass of Ordination, at St. Joseph Cathedral, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, May 24. 2009. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for the Catholic Times)

ORDINATION OF PRIESTS - Bishop Frederick Campbell, left, anoints the hands of Fr. David Schalk with chrism during the Mass of Ordination, at St. Joseph Cathedral, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, May 24. 2009. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for the Catholic Times)

ORDINATION OF PRIESTS - Priests from the Diocese of Columbus envoke the Holy Spirit as they pray before, from left: Frs. Stash Dailey, David Schalk and Victor Wesolowski during the Mass of Ordination, at St. Joseph Cathedral, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, May 24. 2009. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for the Catholic Times)

ORDINATION OF PRIESTS - Following their Mass of Ordination, from left: Frs. Victor Wesolowski, David Schalk and Stash Dailey offer blessings to those in attendance, at St. Joseph Cathedral, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, May 24. 2009. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for the Catholic Times)

ORDINATION OF PRIESTS - Father Victor Wesolowski con-celebrates the Mass of Ordination, at St. Joseph Cathedral, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, May 24. 2009. To Fr. Wesolowski's left is Bishop Frederick Campbell, to his right is retired Bishop James Griffin. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for the Catholic Times)

ORDINATION OF PRIESTS - Bishop Fredrick Campbell, left, kisses the hand of Father Stash Dailey after receiving the newly ordained priest's blessing, during the Mass of Ordination, at St. Joseph Cathedral, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, May 24. 2009. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for the Catholic Times)

ORDINATION OF PRIESTS - A little girl seeks a better view during the Mass of Ordination, at St. Joseph Cathedral, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, May 24. 2009. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com for the Catholic Times)