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Archive: January 24, 2003
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MENTAL HEATH BUDGET CRUNCH--Monty Blanton, of the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association, (OCSEA) gestures as he speaks about the effects of the probable closing of one of the state's Developmental Centers, as a cost cutting measure by the Dept. of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, during a news conference, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Friday, Jan. 24, 2003. Approximately 1900 individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities live in the state's 12 Developmental Centers. (Jack Kustron/

MENTAL HEATH BUDGET CRUNCH--Al Leist, Advocacy Chair for the Ohio League for the Mentally Retarded, gestures as he speaks about the effects of the probable closing of one of the state's Developmental Centers, as a cost cutting measure by the Dept. of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, during a news conference, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Friday, Jan. 24, 2003. Approximately 1900 individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities live in the state's 12 Developmental Centers. (Jack Kustron/