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Archive: January 30, 2002
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PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE--Future Senate Minority Leader Gary DiDonato, D-New Philadelepha, right, confers with former minority leader Ben Espy, D-Columbus, while current minority leader Leigh Heringaton, D-Ravenna, is seen in the foreground, prior to session, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2002. Herrington is stepping down on Feb. 28 in order to run for attorney general. ( Kustron)

LANDFILL SHOWDOWN--Sen. Kevin Coughlin, R-Cuyahoga Falls, right, debates a landfill bill with Sen. Gary DiDonato, D-New Philadelphia, during session, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2002. ( Kustron)

CAMPAIGN FILING PROBLEMS--Rep. Bryan Flannery D-Lakewood gestures as he talks about problems surrounding the system of electronic filing of campaign finance reports, during a news conference, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2002. The Secretary of State's office is responsible for administering the electronic filing. Rep. Flannery is the Democratic challanger to current secretary of state Republican Ken Blackwell. ( Kustron)