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Archive: February 28, 2002
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SALES TAX HOLIDAY, NOT--Senate President Richard Finan, R-Cincinnati, gestures as he speaks with reporters following session, on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2002. President Finan told reporters that the Senate would not consider a sales tax holiday until the state is in better financial condition. (Jack Kustron/

SENATE GETS WIRED--Sen. Robert Hagan, D-Youngstown, gets a run-thru on a lap top from Senate clerk Matthew Schuler, left and Legislative Information System (LIS) director George Yeager, prior to session, on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2002. Sen. Hagan is part of a test group in the House and Senate that will use the LIS intranet to elimanate the piles of paper used by the legislature. (Jack Kustron/

HISTORICAL SOCIETY HEARINGS--Gary Ness, Executive Director of the Ohio Historical Society, (OHS) testifies before the House Select Committee to Study the Effectiveness of Ohio's Historical Programs and Partnerships, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2002. Also seen is OHS board president Richard Sisson. The Committee has recommended several areas in with the OHS can improve its accountability.(Jack Kustron/