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Archive: March 22, 2000
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WE GOT THE SHORT FORM--Gov. Bob Taft looks over his census form as First Lady Hope prepares to join him, at the Governor's residence, in Bexley, Ohio, on Wednesday, March 22, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/

TAFT FILLS OUT CENSUS--Gov. Bob Taft fills out the Census 200 form as First Lady Hope looks on, at the kitchen table, of the Governor's residence, in Bexley, Ohio, on Wednesday, March 22, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/

CENSUS FUN--Gov. Bob Taft and First Lady Hope share a laugh over the "age" question, on the Census 200 form as they complete the task at their kitchen table, in Bexley, Ohio, on Wednesday, March 22, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/

BAR CODE SHOWS THROUGH WINDOW--Gov. Bob Taft and First Lady Hope hold their completed Census 200 form after taking about 5 minutes to answere the questions on the short form, at their kitchen table, in Bexley, Ohio, on Wednesday, March 22, 2000. Taft urged Ohioans to fill out the forms as soon as they receive them and should be returned by April 1, the official Census Day. (JACK KUSTRON/