SCHOOL FUNDING--William Phillis, executive director of The Ohio Coalition for Equity & Adequacy of School Funding, moves charts into place prior to a news conference announcing its recommendations for rebuilding the state's public schools, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, April 20, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)
KRISHNA GATHERING--Members of the Hari Krishna sing and dance to promote a lecture by H.G. Prithu Dasa, in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, April 20, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)
GO BUCKS--Ohio State University sophomore Steven Boutcher joins a small group of protesters outside the Ohio Statehouse,in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, April 20, 2000. The group, of OSU College Democrats, was protesting Gov. Bob Taft's giving of Buckeye football tickets in exchange for political contributions. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)