
STATE FAIR PREVIEW--Stephen Dicicco, of Philadelphia, makes sure that the tracks of the "Looping Star" are secure, as he sets up for the Ohio State Fair, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2000. The 147th edition of the fair opens on Friday, Aug. 4, and runs through Aug. 20. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

HE'S A SWINGER--George Yake, of Marion, Ohio, checks the chains on a ride called the "Wave Swinger," at the Ohio Expo Center, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2000. The 147th Ohio State Fair opens on Friday, Aug. 4 and runs through Aug. 20. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

HE'S THE KING BEE--Jimmy Lee, of West Palm Beach, sets up a kiddie ride called the "Bumble Bee," at the Ohio Expo Center, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2000. The 147th edition of the Ohio State Fair opens on Friday, Aug. 4, and runs through Aug. 20. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)