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Archive: August 10, 1999
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GOOD JOB--Clarence Leaver, 77, of Tiffin, embraces Gov. Bob Taft after Taft signed into law legislation that increases penalties for crimes committed against the elderly and disabled, during Senior Citizen Day, at the Ohio State Fair, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1999. (JACK KUSTRON/

SENIORS LIKE TAFT--Gov. Bob Taft meets with seniors after signing legislation that will increase the penality for crimes against the elderly and disabled, during Senior Citizen Day, at the Ohio State Fair, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1999. (JACK KUSTRON/

COW TALK--A Jersey cow munches in the background as Palmer Hoffman, left, of Mingo, in Champaign County, and Tim Tinsley, from South Carolina, talk in the Dairy Barn, at the Ohio State Fair, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1999. (JACK KUSTRON/

MOOOOO--Ayrshire cows relax in the Dairy Barn, at the Ohio State Fair, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1999. The summer's drought will have an impact on the price of dairy products. (JACK KUSTRON/