
21ST CENTURY TOOL--Dr. Robert Michler, chief of cardiothoracic surgery and transplantation, holds the forceps which is attached to the end of the endo-wrist section of the robotic arm used for heart surgery, at the Ohio State University Hospital, on Thursday, March 23, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

GIVING THE ROBOT A HAND--Dr. David Brown, left, and Dr. Robert Michler insert robot's arms into patient for heart surgery, at the Ohio State University Hospital, in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday, March 20, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

REMOTE SURGERY--Dr. Robert Michler performs heart surgery at a romote consol using a robot, at the Ohio State University Hospital, in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday, March 20, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

LOOK MA, NO HANDS--Surgeons stand away from the operating table as a robot performs heart surgery, at The Ohio State Unversity Hospital, in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday, March 20, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

YA GOTTA HAVE HEART--The patient's heart is seen prior to closure following telerobotic surgery, at the Ohio State University Hospital, in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday, March 20, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)