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Archive: September 18, 2002
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MEDICAID HEARINGS--Dr. Ron Levin, Director of the Center for Infants and Children with Special Needs at Cincinnati's Children's Hospital Medical Center, shows that sometimes laughter is the best medicine, as he testifies before a meeting of the House Select Comittee on Medicaid Reform, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002. Today's testimony featured the Ohio Dept. of Job and Family Services and representives of the Ohio State Medical Association. (Jack Kustron/

MEDICAID HEARINGS--Robyn Colby, of the Ohio Dept. of Job and Family Services testifies during a meeting of the House Select Comittee on Medicaid Reform, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002. (Jack Kustron/

MEDICAID HEARINGS--Rep. James Hoops, R-Napoleon, presides over a meeting of the House Select Comittee on Medicaid Reform, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002. Today's testimony featured the Ohio Dept. of Job and Family Services and representives of the Ohio State Medical Association. (Jack Kustron/

FAITH-BASED TASK FORCE--Rep. John White, R-Kettering, Chairman of the Task Force on Nonprofit Faith-Based, Nonprofit Organizations, gestures as he reports the findings of his task force, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002. (Jack Kustron/

FAITH-BASED TASK FORCE--Rep. Rep. Claudette Woodard, D-Cleveland, speaks during a news conference concerning the final report of the Task Force on Nonprofit Faith-Based, Nonprofit Organizations, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002. (Jack Kustron/

FAITH-BASED TASK FORCE--Sen. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, introduces Rep. John White, R-Kettering, during a news conference concerning the final report of the Task Force on Nonprofit Faith-Based, Nonprofit Organizations, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002. Rep. White is Chairman of the task force.(Jack Kustron/