
STATE FAIR PREVIEW--Stephen Dicicco, of Philadelphia, makes sure that the tracks of the "Looping Star" are secure, as he sets up for the Ohio State Fair, in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2000. The 147th edition of the fair opens on Friday, Aug. 4, and runs through Aug. 20. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

SPRING CLEANING--With the Ohio Statehouse in the background, Carlos Hernandez cleans windows at the Riffe Center, in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday, May 8, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

BALLOON DRESS--Kelly Vyzral is engulfed by balloons as she prepare for an event, on the grounds of the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, June 8, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

A DAY AT THE STATEHOUSE--Students from Muskingum County's Crooksville Elementary School listen to debate in the Senate, at the Ohio Statehouse, in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, May 25, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

CHRISTMAS GHOST--Performance artist Mark Abbati, who bills himself as a "Living Statue," prepares to hand out candy samples while two lovers don't seem to notice him, in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, Nov. 30, 2000. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)

DREAMS OF A YOUNG GIRL--Six year-old Sharaya White, of Middleport, Ohio, looks like a free spirit as she views the work of Czech costume designer Simona Rybakova, during the latest Ohio Arts Council show, at the Riffe Gallery, in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2000. The exhibit, titled "Metaphor and Irony: Czech Scenic and Costume Design 1920-1999," is free to the public and runs through Oct. 15. (JACK KUSTRON/photoj.com)