HOLY WEEK BEGINS - John Feher carries the cross, during the Palm Sunday processional, at Holy Cross Church, in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday, March 24, 2013. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com)
PALM SUNDAY - Children from the Parish School of Religion carry a banner during the Palm Sunday procession, at Holy Cross Church, in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday, March 24, 2013. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com)
CHRISM OIL - Tony Garcia carries one of the sacred oils during the Holy Thursday liturgy, at Holy Cross Church, in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, March 28, 2013. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com)
HOLY THURSDAY - Father Jerry Stluka, pastor, Holy Cross Church, washes the feet of parishioners during the Holy Thursday liturgy, on March 28, 2013, in Columbus, Ohio. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com)
VENERATION OF THE CROSS - Parishioners partake in the Veneration of the Cross, during the Good Friday liturgy, at Holy Cross Church, in Columbus, Ohio, on March 29, 2013. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com)
A HAPPY WELCOME - Wendi Bonner (left) is all smiles as she walks back to her pew with sponsor Kathy Faherty following her baptism during the Easter Vigil service at Holy Cross Church, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, March 30, 2013. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com)
CANDLELIGHT VIGIL - A father and son attend the Easter Vigil service, at Holy Cross Church, in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday, March 30, 2013. (Jack Kustron/Photoj.com)