HOWDY PARDNER--Ruth Koman goes about her business as she walks past the artwork of tinsmith Adam Brandau on Friday Feb. 23, 1996. Brandau's work is part of a show sponsored by the Ohio Arts Coluncil at the Riffe Center for Government and the Arts in Columbus Ohio.

BALLET IN IRON--Members of Ironworkers Local 172 work on an addition to the Joseph V. Canzani Center on the campus of the internationally renown Columbus College of Art and Design on Monday March 4, 1996 in Columbus Ohio.

SEEING THE LIGHT--Columbus Museum of Art docent Betty Sher talks about an untitled light sculpture by artist Dan Flavin with students from the 5th Ave Alternative school on Fri. March 8, 1996 in Columbus Ohio.

WATTS NEW--Workers frm the MUSCO light company, adjust lights atop the press box at Ohio Stadium, in Columbus Ohio, on Wednesday, April 10, 1996. This is one of four towers, each putting out 120,000 watts, which will be used to light the way for the Columbus Crew, who will play their home games at the home of the Buckeyes.

COOL JAZZ ON A HOT DAY--Street musician George Stewart plays sweet music on his alto sax at the corner of Broad and High in Columbus Ohio, on Friday, June 21, 1996.